Jordan 500 Reloaded download

Play erotic story Lesson of Passion porn games and learn more about virtual prostitution. Make choices and do your best to fuck cheap cartoon hookers. The simulation is made using a flash technology. The point is to have sex with sexy girls and not to spoil the situation by stupid behavior. Do things that are not allowed in a real life and see how it is to fuck a real hooker.

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Jordan is a girl from a small town who learns how to survive in a big city, and what to do to achieve success. Adorable blonde has a head full of dreams. What she wants the most is the success as an actress. Unfortunately, the reality turns out to be cruel. High condo fees and failure on a few castings make Jordan has had enough. The breakthrough comes with the five-hundred dollar banknotes that she finds next to the bed, when waking up naked after a party. Does this mean that the guy she slept with treated her like a whore? Maybe it is a good way to solve the problem of a financial hole. Especially when he likes to meet new people and have a lot of sex...

The future of Jordan 500 depends on you, because blonde is the main character of interactive adult story game - Jordan 500 Reloaded. Do you want Jordan to become a movie star, or maybe be the best hooker in the city? Both options are quite good and interesting. Think what could be the best to make Jordan rich and really happy. Take into account the fact, that she likes to suck big cocks and be fucked by strangers.

Jordan 500 Reloaded made by Lesson of Passion Gold is an erotic story game where you decide what happens in the next stage. Every decision has an impact on the future of beautiful blondes. Think about what you want to do today and change the fate of half-naked girls in adult story game. It is worth to add, that all the characters are not only the effects of graphics work, but also a photographer. In other words, all the hot chicks in the simulation are erotic models mapped in the minutest detail.

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